Saturday, August 10, 2013

Air Force Journey #1: Is the Air Force right for you?

Here is the first video that I've made for my Air Force Journey series. If you've already watched it, skip down to the supplemental material, if not here it is for your viewing pleasure.


  1. First off you need to decide if it really is the Air Force you want to join. Check out these links to compare the different services:
 Is the Air Force right for me? by

Things to Consider When Deciding Whether to Join The Air Force by (This is the links that talks about deployment bands as I mentioned in the video)

A very good answer to a prospective airman

The official Air Force page about enlisted steps

Yahoo! Voices article from a current Airman

Military Branch Quiz (Has some ads, but could give you an idea)

   2. If you think the Air Force is right for you, do you want to go to active duty, reserves, or the air guard?

If you're deciding on active duty you have to realize that this is now your job, and will be your lifestyle. After basic training and tech school you will be sent to an Air Force Base (AFB) where you will be stationed. You will live Air Force, not like the other two where you can go home after and only come in once a month and two weeks a year for training.

 Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve?

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